After isothermally treated at 660°C for 20 min, both dendritic Mg 2 Si in unmodified alloys and polyhedral ones in KBF 4 -modified alloys transformed to nearly globular morphology, while the degree of spheroidization in KBF 4 -modified alloy was lower than that in unmodified alloy. This result might be attributed to both restriction effect of boron and stability of octahedral primary Mg 2 Si crystals. After isothermal treatment at 660°C for 20 min, however, the initial grain sizes of dendritic Mg 2 Si crystals in unmodified alloy or polyhedral ones in modified alloy obtained by different cooling rates (copper mold with the holes of f20 and f6 mm) only caused a little effect on the partial remelting microstructure. The fine primary Mg 2 Si particles obtained from f6 mm hole, however, were more readily to evolve to globular crystals, which might be attributed to the more active Ostwald ripening and/or coalescence.KEY WORDS: Mg-Si alloys; modification; grain size; partial remelting.In spite of the above, seldom investigations have been carried out on the effect of partial remelting on the microstructural evolution of modified Mg-high Si alloys. The present study is aimed to investigate the influence of as-cast microstructure, with different grain sizes and morphologies of Mg 2 Si, on the microstructural evolution of the unmodified and KBF 4 -modified Mg-6.2Si alloys during partial remelting process. Particular attention is paid to the influence of isothermal holding temperatures on the morphology evolution of KBF 4 -modified Mg-6.2Si alloy. It is expected that the preliminary work could be significant in prompting the development of Mg-high Si alloys.
Experimental ProcedureIndustrial pure Mg ingot (99.85 wt% purity) and Si (99.02 wt% purity) were used as starting materials to prepare the designed Mg-6.2wt%Si alloy. Based on the previous work, 1,8) 5 wt% KBF 4 that can fully modify Mg-6.2Si alloy was adopted. Details of the fabrication process of Mg-high Si alloys unmodified and modified with KBF 4 were described in elsewhere. 1,8) The unmodified and KBF 4 -modified Mg-6.2Si melts were manually stirred for about 2 min using a stainless steel impeller, held at ϳ800°C for 3 min, and then poured into a copper mold with the holes of f20 mmϫ100 mm and f6 mmϫ100 mm preheated at ϳ120°C, respectively.The partial remelting experiment was performed in an electric resistance furnace under a protective atmosphere of flowing gas of SF 6 (0.6 vol%) and CO 2 (Bal.). When the furnace was heated to 500°C, the circular column samples (f20 mmϫ10 mm and f6 mmϫ10 mm) were placed in the furnace. Then the furnace was heated to the predetermined temperatures (620, 640 or 660°C) with a heating rate of ϳ8°C/min, and isothermally held at that temperatures for 20 min. The temperature was monitored by the use of a thermocouple placed at the centre of the sample with an accuracy of Ϯ1°C. To preserve the morphology and amount of the unmelted fractions which existed at high temperatures, the samples were withdrawn and then quenched in cold water i...