Despite the massive literature and the efforts devoted to understand the creep behavior of aluminum alloys, a full description of this phenomenon on the basis of microstructural parameters and experimental conditions is, at present, still missing. The analysis of creep is typically carried out in terms of the so-called steady or secondary creep regime. The present work offers an alternative view of the creep behavior based on the Orowan dislocation dynamics. Our approach considers primary and secondary creep together as solid state isothermal transformations, similar to recrystallization or precipitation phenomena. In this frame, it is shown that the Johnson-Mehl-AvramiKolmogorov equation, typically used to analyze these transformations, can also be employed to explain creep deformation. The description is fully compatible with present (empirical) models of steady state creep. We used creep curves of commercially pure Al and ingot AA6061 alloy at different temperatures and stresses to validate the proposed model. Published by AIP Publishing.[]
I. CREEP OF METALSCreep of metals is a key topic for different industries such as energy, transport, or chemical. The creep behavior of pure metals and alloys has been extensively investigated in the past. This behavior is usually described through the accumulated plastic deformation e (t) as a function of time t under given conditions of applied stress, r, and temperature, T. Three regions are typically distinguished, namely, a primary creep region (where € eðtÞ < 0Þ; a secondary regime, also called steady state (where € eðtÞ ¼ 0); and a tertiary region (where € eðtÞ > 0) before creep rupture occurs (double dot denotes second time derivative). Many authors, as Evans, 1 reduce the steady state regime to a single turning point from the primary to the tertiary regions in the creep curve. This is, then, called the minimum creep rate state. For simplicity, however, we will refer throughout this work to a steady state region. Most of the investigations aimed at correlating the creep behavior with microstructural parameters of the alloy under study restrict their analysis to the steady state regime, where the creep rate is independent of time, i.e., one can write _ e ¼ _ e ss ðr; TÞ (dot denotes first time derivative).