The Nernst coefficient of CeCoIn5 displays a distinct anomaly at H K ∼ 23 T. This feature is reminiscent of what is observed at 7.8 T in CeRu2Si2, a well-established case of metamagnetic transition. New frequencies are observed in de Haas-van Alphen oscillations when the field exceeds 23 T, which may indicate a modification of the Fermi surface at this field.PACS numbers: 75.30. Kz, 73.43.Nq, 71.27.+a Heavy-Fermion (HF) compounds [1] display a dazzling variety of physical phenomena which still lack a satisfactory general picture. The "non-Fermi-liquid" behavior emerging in the vicinity of a magnetic quantum critical point (QCP), associated with a continuous (i.e. secondorder) phase transition at zero temperature, has recently attracted much attention [2]. The case of the HF superconductor CeCoIn 5 [3] is intriguing. Magnetic field alters the normal-state properties of this system in a subtle way. In zero field, the system displays neither a T 2 resistivity nor a T -linear specific heat (standard features of a Landau Fermi liquid) down to the superconducting transition. When superconductivity is destroyed by the application of pressure [4] or magnetic field [5,6], the Fermi-liquid state is restored. In the latter case, the fieldtuned QCP identified in this way is pinned to the upper critical field, H c2 of the superconducting transition [7,8]. This is unexpected, not only because quantum criticality is often associated with the destruction of a magnetic order, but also because the superconducting transition becomes first order at very low temperatures [9]. The possible existence of a magnetic order with a field scale close to H c2 and accidentally hidden by superconductivity, has been speculated [6] but lacks direct experimental support.Comparing CeCoIn 5 with the well-documented case of CeRu 2 Si 2 [10, 11] is instructive. In the latter system a metamagnetic transition occurs at H m = 7.8 T: the magnetization jumps from 0.6 µ B to 1.2 µ B in a narrow yet finite window( ∆H m = 0.04 T in the T = 0 limit). The passage from an antiferromagnetically (AF) correlated system below H m to a polarized state dominated by local fluctuations above is accompanied by a sharp enhancement in the quasi-particle mass in the vicinity of H m which is thus akin to a field-tuned QCP. A sudden change of the Fermi surface (FS) topology across the metamagnetic transition has been established by de Hass-van Alphen (dHvA) effect studies [12], where new frequencies were detected above H m .In this letter, we report on two sets of experimental studies which indicate that the effect of the magnetic field on the normal-state properties of these two systems share some common features. They point to the existence of another field scale in CeCoIn 5 which has not been previously identified. By measuring the Nernst coefficient and studying quantum oscillations, we find compelling evidence that close to H K ∼ 23 T, the FS is modified. Therefore, in the T = 0 limit, CeCoIn 5 appears to display at least two distinct field scales.Single crystals of ...