The dragline silk of the golden weaver Nephila clavipes is composed of two proteins, designated spidroin 1 (MaSp1) and spidroin 2 (MaSp2), and has been the focus of numerous recent studies because they are among the strongest natural protein fibers.
1-14The dominant MaSpl protein can be described as a block-copolymer consisting of polyalanine poly(Ala) runs and glycine-rich sections containing relatively high concentrations of amino acids with bulky, hydrophilic side chains. Several solid state NMR studies [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] have been applied to clarify the structure for native spider silk fibers. The poly(Ala) region in dragline silk fiber took -sheet structure, which was derived from the 13 C chemical shifts of Ala residues clearly.
4-8However, the structure of the glycine-rich region is not clear because of heterogeneity of the sequences. Thus, it seems difficult to study the precise structure of the native spider silk fiber using solid state NMR and should consider the large structural distributions, especially in the glycine-rich region.
5-9The structural analysis using NMR for the model peptides seems very effective because it is possible to prepare several model peptides with well-defined sequences by reference of the primary structure of MaSp1. However, there are no such researches with appropriate model peptides for the spider silk. In our previous papers, 15-17 the model peptides selected from the primary structure of the silk fibroins from Bombyx mori (B. mori) and Samia cynthia ricini (S. c. ricini) were effectively used to obtain the structural information using several solid state NMR methods. Especially, the primary structure of the silk fibroin from S. c. ricini is the repeated sequences which consist of alternative appearance of poly(Ala) region and glycinerich region, which is similar to the primary structure of the MaSpl protein of spider silk. [17][18][19] In this paper, 49 mer peptide with the sequence, GGLGGQGAGAAAAAAGGAGQGGYGGLGSQG-AGRGGQGAAAAAAGGAGQG selected from the primary structure of the MaSp1 protein of from Nephila clavipes dragline silk and the 13 C isotopelabeled model peptide with the same sequence were synthesized. The structure was studied with 13 C CP/ MAS NMR, especially, the conformation-dependent 13 C chemical shifts. The methods of the three kinds of treatments before NMR observation were changed in order to reproduce the structure before and after spinning of the spider silk. Namely, (1) the peptide was dissolved in trifruoroacetic acid and then dried (TFA treatment), (2) the peptide was dissolved in 9 M LiBr and then dialyzed against water (Dialysis treatment) and (3) the peptide was dissolved in 8 M urea and then precipitated in acetonitrile, and dried (AN treatment).
EXPERIMENTALThe following peptides, 1-3, were synthesized by the solid-phase method. Peptide 1; YGGLGSQGAGRG Peptide 2; GGLGGQGAGAAAAAAGGAGQGGYG-GLGSQGAGRGGQGAAAAAAGGAGQG Peptide 3; GGLGGQGAGAAA[3-13 C CP/MAS NMR spectra were acquired on a Chemagnetics CMX-400 spectrometer operating at ...