The results of investigation of the regularity of 188 Re binding with KNaHEDP and hydrolysis of the complex compound ( 188 Re-KNaHEDP) have shown that its quality depends to a considerable extent on the reaction conditions. Concentrations of a reducing agent (Sn 2 + ) and stable rhenium in the 188 Re eluate, as the carrier, influence essentially the rate of formation and stability of 188 Re complex with KNaHEDP. The results of the kinetic investigations of the 188 Re-KNaHEDP complex formation prove that the reaction character bears a direct relationship to the concentrations of the complexing agent (Re) and the reducer (Sn 2+ ).The higher ratio of Re 7+ : Sn 2+ concentrations, the more effectively 188 Re binds with KNaHEDP. The obtained results prove that for 188 Re binding with KNaHEDP with the efficiency not less than 95 % the optimum concentration of stable rhenium in the reaction mixture is 0.54×10 -6 mol . ml -1 (0.1 mgΜml -1 ) and the ratio of Re 7+ : Sn 2+ concentrations should not be lower than 10: 1.