PACS. 05.40+j -Fluctuation phenomena, random processes, and Brownian motion. PACS. 64.60Ak -Renormalization-group, fractal, and percolation studies of phase transitions. PACS. 64.60Ht -Dynamic critical phenomena.Abstract. -We study the scaling regimes for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation with noise correlator R(q) ∝ (1 + w q −2ρ ) in Fourier space, as a function of ρ and the spatial dimension d. By means of a stochastic Cole-Hopf transformation, the critical and correction-to-scaling exponents at the roughening transition are determined to all orders in a (d − dc) expansion. We also argue that there is a intriguing possibility that the rough phases above and below the lower critical dimension dc = 2(1 + ρ) are genuinely different which could lead to a re-interpretation of results in the literature.The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation, which was originally introduced to describe growth of rough surfaces [1], displays generic scale invariance, as well as a non-equilibrium roughening transition separating a smooth from a rough phase above the lower critical dimension. As a consequence of its mapping to the noisy Burgers equation [2], to the statistical mechanics of a directed polymer in a random environment [3], as well as to other interesting equilibrium and non-equilibrium systems (for recent reviews, see Refs. [4,5]), the KPZ problem has emerged as one the fundamental theoretical models defining possible universality classes for non-equilibrium scaling phenomena and phase transitions.In one dimension, the roughness and dynamic exponents, χ and z, have long been determined exactly by means of the dynamic renormalization group (RG), utilizing the symmetries of the problem [2]. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the associated scaling functions can be computed to high precision by means of the self-consistent one-loop or mode-coupling approximation [6,7]. For d > d c , a two-loop RG calculation [8] indicated that the critical behavior of the roughening transition might be described by an exact set of exponents as suggested earlier on the basis of scaling arguments [9]. Using a directed-polymer representation, Lässig was able to demonstrate the validity of this statement to all orders in a Typeset using EURO-T E X