It follows that it cannot be our task to find an absolutely correct theory, but rather a picture that is as simple as possible while representing the phenomenon as well as possible.
Ludwig BoltzmannThe present chapter gives an outline of basic results concerning the theoretical description of processes of formation and growth of nanofilms in one-and multicomponent cases. Hereby the attention is directed to the analysis of both nucleation and further evolution of nanoparticle ensembles on substrates in metastable and unstable regions of the thermodynamic phase space. Models for nanofilm growth from vapor and liquid solutions are analyzed. They include the description of nanoisland size distributions, coalescence, orientation, morphological stability, etc. Processes of formation and further development of different instabilities, the formation of nonlinear density waves and oriented growth of nanoislands are studied as well.Condensation kinetics of nanofilms in dependence on possible chemical reactions of the components is analyzed. The technique of calculation of phase coexistence diagrams is outlined. The influence of various factors affecting nucleation of nanoparticles -such as wetting effects, electromagnetic radiation, and acidity of the medium -is studied.
IntroductionElectronic devices based on nanostructures are widely used in many fields of human activity. At present, a great interest is found directed to an application of nanostructures, especially double heterostructures, in semiconductor physics, optics, and microelectronics [1-5]. Nanostructures can be prepared by a variety of different methods [1-10]. Here, we examine in detail processes of formation of nanoparticles on the surface of solid substrates. Particles of sizes, which are not larger than 100 nm, are considered hereby as nanoparticles. As for crystals of such sizes, they do not contain, in general, dislocations or some other linear defects. Films composed of such particles have a well-developed surface. This feature leads to the formation of unique properties of the nanosystems, which are not observed in ordinary materials. On the surface of solid substrates, nanoparticles can be prepared by deposition from liquid or solid phases [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. In addition, they can be obtained by using the sol-gel technology or electrodeposition [9, 10]. Processes of nanocrystal formation represent typical first-order phase transitions. While the nanocrystals formed on the surface of substrates are not elastically stressed, processes of their formation by nucleation can be described by means of the classical nucleation theory. In the case, where nanocrystals are elastically stressed and they are formed on crystal substrates, the main approaches and methods of description of their nucleation remain unchanged; however, the mechanism of formation and growth of nanoparticles is of another physical nature. Therefore, we start with the analysis of nucleation of unstressed nanostructures and then, in the next section, we present new approaches to the descr...