Nonempirical quantum-chemical calculations of 2-, 3-, and 4-chloro-substituted tetrahydropyrans by the and methods showed that their conformational energy increases in the transition from the 4-to the 3-chloro-substituted compound, while in the transition to the 2-substituted compound the sign changes. In each of these isomers the axial C-Cl and C-H bonds, situated in the geminal position in relation to the oxygen atom, are longer, while the electron density at their Cl and H atoms is higher than in the corresponding equatorial bonds.Keywords: chlorine-substituted tetrahydropyrans, axial and equatorial bonds, conformational energy, RHF/6-31G(d) and MP2/6-31G(d) calculations.Six-membered saturated heterocyclic compounds and their substituted derivatives, like cyclohexane derivatives, exist predominantly in the chair form. Monosubstituted cyclohexanes with the substituent in the equatorial position are energetically more favorable than those with the axial position. If there is an oxygen atom in the ring, the stability changes in the reverse order. This is considered one sign of an "anomeric effect" (e.g., [1][2][3]).In view of the nature of interaction between the geminal atoms Y and M in organic and heteroorganic molecules containing a triatomic group Y-C-M (e.g., see [4]) it must be assumed that the axial position of the substituent in the tetrahydropyran is not always energetically more favorable but is only preferred in the case where the substituent is in the geminal position in relation to the oxygen atom. At a long distance from the latter the substituent will prefer the equatorial position, as in cyclohexane derivatives, since the effect of the oxygen atom will no longer be as strong. This suggestion is easily checked by carrying out quantum-chemical calculations for the various isomers of monosubstituted tetrahydropyrans, such as the chloro-substituted derivatives, and this is also useful during study of the nature of the anomeric effect.The results of our restricted Hartree-Fock calculations with allowance for electron correlation according to second-order Möller-Plesset perturbation theory using the split valence basis set 6-31G(d) are given here. In calculations using Gaussian 94W software [5] the origin of the system of coordinates was located at the nucleus of the Cl atom, while the z axis was directed along the Cl-C bond. The obtained results were compared with experimental data from the 35 Cl NQR spectra [6] and were used for a more detailed interpretation of the latter.