I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the people who contributed to complete this academic work.First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my PhD advisor, Eric Gutierrez. I could not have undertaken this journey and written this thesis without his invaluable supervision, persistent support and patience. I am extremely thankful for his wise guidance and overall insights in this field that have helped me to grow intellectually. He has been my mentor, teacher, and the best advisor for my PhD degree.Thanks to the members of the Electronic Technology Department at Carlos III University of Madrid, who awarded me one of the full scholarships to study the Master in Electronic Systems Engineering, which gives me access to this doctoral program.I would like to offer my special thanks to Prof. Luis Hernández for give me the opportunity to join his research group. His treasured support allows me to conduct this thesis. I am also grateful to Prof. Susana Patón for her appreciation and encouragement who generously provided knowledge and expertise.Thanks to HiSilicon Sponsorship Program for MPW Prototyping for the funding and support provided in the implementation of the 65-nm test chip.I would like to thank all my colleagues of the microelectronics team, especially my lab mates, Andrés, Carlos y Pablo, for their kind help and cherished time spent together that have made this journey a wonderful time.Quiero agradecer a mi familia, la de sangre y la "postiza", y a mis amigos por su apoyo incondicional; ellos son mi arma espiritual. Mi agradecimiento imperecedero a mis padres, por todo el amor, la fuerza y la confianza que siempre me han transmitido. A pesar de la distancia, ellos han recorrido este camino conmigo. Agradezco inmensamente a mi hermana porque siempre me ha ayudado y me ha soportado sin importar lo difícil que haya podido ser; su presencia es una de mis mayores fortunas.El más grande de mis agradecimientos es para mi pareja, Harold, el mejor acompañante que he podido tener en esta travesía. Este trabajo es también resultado de su paciencia inquebrantable. Sus palabras han sido siempre mi mejor cura. Nunca sabré definir acertadamente la forma única que tienes de impulsarme. Espero ser capaz de concederte todo lo que me has entregado incondicionalmente. v