B(C 6 F 5 ) 2 -containing boryldienes 4 underwent the addition of two molar equivalents of TEMPO to give N,Obonded four-membered heterocyclic products 7.T he reaction is ametal-free example of the generation of reactive nitrogencentered TEMPO radical derivatives,i nt his case by the addition of TEMPO to the borane,f ollowed by carbonnitrogen bond formation and subsequent trapping of the resulting allyl radical by the second equivalent of TEMPO.Nitroxide radicals,s uch as tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO, 1)a nd its derivatives,a re attracting increasing interest for use in organic synthesis,o lefin-polymerization reactions (nitroxide-mediated polymerization, NMP), and materials science. [1][2][3] Many reactions of TEMPO have been reported, including reactions involving hydrogen-atom abstraction, the trapping of reactive radicals,a nd oxidation/ reduction sequences. [1][2][3] Mostly,T EMPO shows reactivity at the Oatom, where the highest spin density is found. However, upon the complexation of TEMPO with aL ewis acid (LA), the spin distribution and accordingly the reactivity profile of TEMPO might change.Along these lines,t here have been some reports on the reactivity of LA-complexed TEMPO.R enaud and co-workers found that alkyl radicals can be generated by the treatment of TEMPO with alkyl catecholboranes (Scheme 1; similar to ethyl-radical generation from triethylborane and dioxygen).[4] It is assumed that TEMPO first undergoes Lewis acid/base adduct formation, and that this intermediate then undergoes b-fragmentation to the corresponding alkyl radical along with TEMPO-catecholborate. This reaction can be understood by considering the resonance structure of the LA/LB adduct, in which the spin is located at the Oatom (Scheme 1). It is known that the complexation of TEMPO with boron-, aluminum-, or iron-based Lewis acids leads to an increase in the spin density at the Natom, [5] and this increase in spin density should provide aminyl radicalcation character to the nitroxide.I ndeed, it has been shown that intra-and intermolecular H-abstraction by the Natom in such LA/LB adducts is feasible.[6] However,r eactions other than simple H-abstraction by such complexed aminyl radical cations are uncommon. We assumed that, in analogy with the well-established cyclization of aminyl radicals, [8] appropriately alkene substituted TEMPO-LA adducts might undergo C À Nbond-forming radical cyclization reactions.Notably,for steric reasons,T EMPO shows very low reactivity towards alkenes in the absence of aL A, and if it does undergo addition to an alkene,the reaction occurs at the Oatom of the nitroxide (Scheme 1). [7] Herein we disclose that boryl-substituted alkenes can react very selectively with TEMPO through LA/LB adduct formation and subsequent 4-exo cyclization of the resulting aminyl radical. Theunusual process involves bond formation to both the TEMPO oxygen and nitrogen atom.We generated the dienyl borane 4a by hydroboration of the conjugated enyne 3a[9] with the Piers borane,H B(C 6 F 5 ) 2 (2).[10] Theb o...