Absrracr -A high efficiency, high power magnicon to In order to develop RF technology in the millimeter operate at 34.212 GHz has been designed and built as a wavelength domain for a fUture multi.TeV electron. microwave to RF for a future positron linear collider, it is necessary to test accelerating multi-TeV electron-positron linear collider. To develop this RF pulse compressors, RF components, and to determine limits of breakdown and metal fatigue. A high technology, it is necessary to test accelerating structures, RF pulse compressors, RF components, and to determine limits designed and built as the basis for the test facility for developing collider-relevant components and structures.from breakdown and metal fatigue. The tube is designed to efficiency, high power at 34.272 GHz has been provide a peak output power of-45 MW in a 1 microsecond pulse, with a gain of 55 dB, using a 500 kV, 220 A, 1 mmdiameter electron heam. The status of the tube itself as well as the near-term experimental program is presented.11. THIRD HARMONIC MAGNICON AMPLIFIER