Mass-produced commodity DRAM is the preferred choice of main memory for a broad range of computing systems due to its favorable cost-per-bit. However, today's systems have diverse system-speci c needs (e.g., performance, energy, reliability) that are di cult to address using one-size-ts-all generalpurpose DRAM. Unfortunately, although system designers can theoretically adapt commodity DRAM chips to meet their particular design goals (e.g., by exploiting slack in access timings to improve performance, or implementing system-level RowHammer mitigations), we observe that designers today lack the necessary insight into commodity DRAM chips' reliability characteristics to implement these techniques in practice. In this work, we make a case for DRAM manufacturers to provide increased transparency into simple device characteristics (e.g., internal row address mapping, cell array organization) that a ect consumer-visible reliability. Doing so has negligible impact on manufacturers given that these characteristics can be reverse-engineered using known techniques; however, it has signi cant bene t for system designers, who can then make informed decisions to be er adapt commodity DRAM to meet modern systems' needs while preserving its cost advantages.To support our argument, we study four ways that system designers can adapt commodity DRAM chips to system-speci c design goals: (1) improving DRAM reliability; (2) reducing DRAM refresh overheads; (3) reducing DRAM access latency; and (4) defending against RowHammer a acks. We observe that adopting solutions for any of the four goals requires system designers to make assumptions about a DRAM chip's reliability characteristics. ese assumptions discourage system designers from using such solutions in practice due to the di culty of both making and relying upon the assumption.We identify DRAM standards as the root of the problem: current standards rigidly enforce a xed operating point with no speci cations for how a system designer might explore alternative operating points. To overcome this problem, we introduce a two-step approach that reevaluates DRAM standards with a focus on transparency of reliability characteristics so that system designers are encouraged to make the most of commodity DRAM technology for both current and future DRAM chips.