Ordered phases emerged in active suspensions of polar swimmers are under long-wavelength hydrodynamic mediated instabilities. In this letter, we show that chemical molecules dissolved in aqueous suspensions, as an unavoidable part of most wet active systems, can mediate long-range interactions and subsequently stabilize the ordered phases. Chemoattractant in living suspensions and dissolved molecules producing phoretic forces in synthesized Janus suspensions are reminiscent of such molecules. Communication between swimmers through the gradients of such chemicals generated by individual swimmers, is the foundation of this stabilization mechanism. To classify the stable states of such active systems, we investigate the detailed phase diagrams for two classes of systems with momentum conserving and non-conserving dynamics. Our linear stability analysis shows how the stabilization mechanism can work for swimmers with different dynamical properties, e.g., pushers or pullers and with various static characteristics, e.g., spherical, oblate or prolate geometries.Understanding and explaining the physics of active matter have attracted many interests recently [1][2][3][4]. Active suspensions, both living and synthetic systems, are not bounded by equilibrium laws, thus, show a variety of behaviors ranging from collective self organized motion (even in two dimension) [5-7] to nontrivial rheological properties [8][9][10][11][12]. Long-range rotational order, observed in active suspensions, are under strong dynamical instabilities mediated by hydrodynamic interactions in low Reynolds wet systems [5,13]. This instability is generic in the sense that, it is not affected by any shortrange interaction but its underlying mechanism is very sensitive to the hydrodynamic details of individual swimmers. For pushers (pullers), bend (splay) fluctuations diverge and initiate the instability. Interestingly and in contrast to this hydrodynamic mediated instability, there are examples that the ordered phases can be observed experimentally. Furthermore, studying stabilization mechanisms provides guidelines for designing micro swimmers exhibiting collective ordered motion. System-size dependent fluctuations in elastic systems [14] and 2-D film confinement [15,16] provide mechanisms that can stabilize the instability.In this article, we show that chemical signaling between swimmers is another potential mechanism that can stabilize the instabilities. Phenomena of taxis (chemo, photo and etc.) that are vital activities in most living organisms [17] and phoretic interactions between active agents in suspension of artificial swimmers [18,19] can be considered as examples of such chemical signaling. Depending on the details of system under investigation, chemotaxis itself can initiate Keller-Segel type instabilities [20, 21] but there are examples showing that phoretic interactions between active agents can lead to interesting col- * najafi@iasbs.ac.ir lective behaviors [18,22,23]. Interplay between hydrodynamic and chemotaxis is investigated previo...