The aim of this study was to evaluate the fracture load and failure mode of all-ceramic crowns with different ceria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia/alumina nanocomposite (Ce-TZP/A) framework designs. Four frameworks (anatomical shape: AS, with a buccal or lingual supporting structure: BS and LS, or buccal and lingual supporting structures: BLS) were fabricated. All frameworks were veneered with porcelain to fabricate all-ceramic crowns followed by cementation to tooth analogs. The fracture load of each crown either without or with pre-loading (1.2 million cycles, 49 N) was measured. The failure mode was classified into partial or complete fracture. Differences were tested for significance (p < 0.05) by a two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey’s test and by Fisher’s exact test, respectively. Without pre-loading, supporting structures did not influence the fracture load or failure mode. Partial fractures were the most common failure mode. Pre-loading promoted the severity of the failure mode, although the fracture load among the framework designs was not influenced. In the AS group, prefailures were observed during pre-loading, and complete fractures were significantly increased after pre-loading. In contrast, the failure mode of the BLS group remained unchanged, showing only partial fracture even after pre-loading. This Ce-TZP/A framework design, comprised of an anatomical shape with additional buccal and lingual structures, has the potential to reduce the chipping of the veneering porcelain.