An integrated frequency agile quadrature -band receiver is presented in this paper. The complete receiver is realized in a commercial m SiGe:C technology with an of 170/250 GHz. The receiver covers the two point-to-point communication bands from 71 to 76 GHz and from 81 to 86 GHz and the automotive radar band at 77 GHz. A wide tuning range modified Colpitts oscillator provides a local oscillator (LO) tuning range 30 . A two-stage constant phase RC polyphase network is implemented to provide wideband in-phase quadrature LO signals. The measured phase imbalance of the network stays below 8 over the receiver's frequency range. In addition the chip includes a wideband low-noise amplifier, Wilkinson power divider, down conversion mixers, and frequency prescaler. Each of the chip's receiver I/Q paths shows a measured conversion gain above 19 dB and an input referred 1-dB compression point of 22 dBm. The receiver's measured noise figure stays below 11 dB over the complete frequency range. Furthermore, the receiver has a measured IF bandwidth of 6 GHz. The complete chip including prescaler draws a current of 230 mA from a 3.3-V supply, and consumes a chip area of 1628 m 1528 m.Index Terms--band, low-noise amplifier (LNA), polyphase, quadrature generation, voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), wideband receiver.