This paper reviews progress made in elucidating the inorganic carbon concentrating mechanism in cyanobacteria at the physiological and molecular levels. Emphasis is placed on the mechanism of inorganic carbon transport, physiological and genetical analysis of high-CO2-requiring mutants, the polypeptides induced during adaptation to low C02, the functional significance of carboxysomes, and the role of carbonic anhydrase. We also make occasional reference to the green algal inorganic carbon-concentrating mechanism.Many photosynthetic microorganisms possess a mechanism for active intracellular accumulation of CQ2 that enables them to compensate for the 5-to 20-fold difference (in green algae and cyanobacteria, respectively) between the CO2 concentration in their environment and the Km(CO2) of their Rubisco. The activity of the Q-concentrating mechanism increases during adaptation from high to low external CO2 concentrations, one of a syndrome of changes that lead to an elevated apparent photosynthetic affinity for extracellular Ci. This review focuses on certain aspects of the Ci-concentrating system currently under active investigation. Although rigid limitation of space obliges us to confine ourselves largely to cyanobacteria, we also occasionally refer to green algae in cases in which progress has recently been made relevant to the topic discussed (for earlier reviews, see refs. 1,2,7,[13][14][15]20).
MECHANISM OF C, UPTAKEThe intracellular level of CQ, at the steady-state of photosynthesis, is considerably higher than could be accounted for by the passive equilibration of CO2 and HCO3-across the cell membrane, indicating active transport (2,13,15 Nae requirement for HC03-uptake (see below) suggests that uptake might be a secondary active Na+ symport, driven by a transmembrane Na+ gradient established by a Nae extrusion pump. Alternatively, particularly at pH values below 7.0, proton symport driven by the protonmotive force generated by the HI pump could be envisaged, although this would demand a stoichiometry greater than 1:1 (12, 13).A role for Na+ in the Ci uptake mechanism was suggested by its highly specific effect on apparent photosynthetic affinity for external CQ and on the Km(HCO3-) of the Ci transport system (12, 13, 15). The effect of Na+ is far larger in the case of HCO3-than is CO2 uptake, but only micromolar Na+ concentrations are required to achieve the maximal effect on CO2 uptake; millimolar Na+ concentrations are required in the case of HCO3- (12,15). For some as yet unknown reason, HCO3 uptake in nonaerated cultures ofSynechococcus is not Nae dependent (15). Three alternative models to account for the Nae effect on HC03-uptake have been considered, but ithas not yet proved possible to distinguish among them experimentally (12