Figure 1: A comparison between standard BPT and BPT improved with our connection resampling strategy (after 60 seconds of rendering). In this setting, the draperies occlude most of the light vertices from the eye vertices, resulting in many null contributions. Our resampling favors connections that are more likely to produce a high contribution.
AbstractBidirectional path tracing is known to perform poorly for the rendering of highly occluded scenes. Indeed, the connection strategy between light and eye subpaths does not take into account the visibility factor, presenting no contribution for many sampled paths. To improve the efficiency of bidirectional path tracing, we propose a new method for adaptive resampling of connections between light and eye subpaths. Aiming for this objective, we build discrete probability distributions of light subpaths based on a skeleton of the empty space of the scene. In order to demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithm, we compare our method to both standard bidirectional path tracing and a recent important caching method.