In living systems,t here are many autonomous and oscillatory phenomena to sustain life,s uch as heart contractions and breathing.Atthe microscopic level, oscillatory shape deformations of cells are often observed in dynamic behaviors during cell migration and morphogenesis.I nm any cases, oscillatory behaviors of cells are not simplistic but complex with diverse deformations.S of ar,w eh ave succeeded in developing self-oscillating polymers and gels,b ut complex oscillatory behaviors mimicking those of living cells have yet to be reproduced. Herein, we report ac ell-like hollows phere composed of self-oscillating microgels,that is,acolloidosome, that exhibits drastic shape oscillation in addition to swelling/ deswelling oscillations driven by an oscillatory reaction. The resulting oscillatory profile waveform becomes markedly more complex than ac onventional one.E specially for larger colloidosomes,m ultiple buckling and moving buckling points are observed to be analogous to cells.One exciting challenge in materials science is to mimic living systems that undergo autonomous and dynamic changes under conditions far from equilibrium, by only using synthetic materials.A utonomous phenomena involving oscillatory dynamics can easily be observed as significant characteristics of living systems,s uch as heart contractions, breathing, and circadian rhythms.[1] At the microscopic level, cells act dynamically,a nd they often change their structures and shapes in pulsatile or oscillatory manners.[2] Recent image analysis developments with high spatio-temporal resolution have revealed the existence of oscillatory shape deformations during cellular dynamics such as cytokinesis, [3] cell migration, [4][5][6] and morphogenesis. [7,8] To realize autonomous oscillatory behaviors that exist in living systems by using synthetic materials,w eh ave developed "self-oscillating" gels which exhibit autonomous periodic swelling/deswelling changes driven by an oscillatory chemical reaction.[9] Recently,s elf-oscillating material systems are evolving,and we have reported several types of selfoscillating polymeric materials such as tubular self-oscillating gels, [10,11] self-oscillating polymer brushes, [12] and self-oscillating block copolymers. [13][14][15][16][17] In addition to our studies,o ther groups have also reported self-oscillating polymer materials. [18][19][20][21][22] In these material systems,t he observed oscillatory profiles are rather simple,r eflecting monotonic swelling/ deswelling or hydration/dehydration;h owever,b iological systems not only have simple oscillation, but also more complex oscillatory behaviors.F or example,i nt he nervous systems,many oscillatory profiles of brain activity accompany complex waveforms with several maxima and minima of varying amplitudes.[23] Also,c omplex shape oscillations of cells are observed in vitro [24] as well as in vivo. To reconcile the differences between materials and biological systems,w eh ave fabricated self-oscillating celllike hollow spheres that exhibit complex...