We have analysed the Pantheon+ sample using a new likelihood model that replaces the single SnIa absolute magnitude parameter M used in the standard likelihood model of Brout et. al. [1] with two absolute magnitude parameters M<, M> and a transition distance dcrit that determines the distance at which M changes from M< to M>. The use of this likelihood dramatically changes the quality of fit to the Pantheon+ sample for a ΛCDM background by ∆χ 2 = −19.6 (∆AIC = −15.5 for two additional parameters). The tension between the M< and M> best fit values is at a level more than 3σ with a best fit dcrit very close to 20M pc. The origin of this improvement of fit and M< − M> tension is that the new likelihood model, successfully models two signals hidden in the data: 1. The well known systematic effect called volumetric redshift scatter bias which is due to asymmetric peculiar velocity variations at redshifts z < 0.01 induced by unequal projected volumes at lower and higher distances compared to a given distance and 2. A mild signal for a change of intrinsic SnIa luminosity at about 20M pc. This interpretation of the results is confirmed by truncating the z < 0.01 Hubble diagram data from the Pantheon+ data where the above systematic is dominant and showing that the M< − M> tension decreases from above 3σ to a little less than 2σ. It is also confirmed by performing a Monte Carlo simulation to compare the merged SnIa absolute luminosities Mi of SnIa+Cepheid hosts, obtained from the SH0ES data, with the anticipated luminosities in the context of a homogeneous single absolute magnitude M . This simulation shows that the maximum significance of the SnIa luminosity transition (Σ ≡ |M>−M<|