“…Mudholkar et al, (1996) pioneered Exponentiated Weibull distribution, the modified Weibull extension by Xie et al, (2002) , flexible Weibull extension (FWEx) by Bebbington et al,(2007), beta modified Weibull by Silva et al, (2010), Kumaraswamy Weibull by , transmuted Weibull by Aryal and Tsokos (2011), truncated Weibull distribution by Zhang and Xie (2011), Kumaraswamy inverse Weibull by Shahbaz et al,(2012), exponentiated generalized Weibull by Cordeiro et al,(2013), McDonald modified Weibull by Merovci and Elbatal (2013), beta inverse Weibull by Hanook et al,(2013), transmuted additive Weibull by Elbatal and Aryal (2013), McDonald Weibull by Cordeiro et al,(2014), Kumaraswamy modified Weibull by Cordeiro et al,(2014), transmuted complementary Weibull geometric by Afify et al,(2014), Kumaraswamy transmuted exponentiated additive Weibull by Nofal et al,(2016), generalized transmuted Weibull by Nofal et al,(2017), Topp-Leone generated Weibull by Aryal et al,(2017), Kumaraswamy complementary Weibull geometric by Afify et al,(2017), Marshall-Olkin additive Weibull by Afify et al,(2018), Zubair-Weibull by Ahmad (2018), alpha power transformed Weibull by , Topp Leone exponentiated weibull by Ibrahim (2021) distributions. Bello et al, (2021) propound a new distribution family called the Type II Half-Logistic Exponentiated-G (TIHLEt-G) with two extra shape parameters. For any arbitrary cumulative distribution function as a baseline (cdf) , the TIIHLEt-G family with two positive shape parameters and has cumulative distribution function (cdf) and probability density function (pdf) given by: https://scientifica.umyu.edu.ng/…”