In Part I we show that the classical Koszul braces [7], as well as their noncommutative counterparts constructed recently in Börjeson's [6], are the twistings of the trivial L ∞ -(resp. A ∞ -) algebra by a specific automorphism. This gives an astonishingly simple proof of their properties. Using the twisting, we construct other surprising examples of A ∞ -and L ∞ -braces. We finish Part 1 by discussing C ∞ -braces related to Lie algebras.In Part 2 we prove that in fact all natural braces are the twistings by unique automorphisms. We also show that there is precisely one hierarchy of braces that leads to a sensible notion of higher-order derivations. Thus, the notion of higher-order derivations is independent of human choices. The results of the second part follow from the acyclicity of a certain space of natural operations. (4) as a vanilla version of [4].2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 13D99, 55S20.