THE SABARA GROUP IN DOM BOSCO SYNCLINE, QUADRILÁTERO FERRÍFERO: A STRATIGRAPHIC REVIEW The Sabará Group represents a Paleoproterozoic metavolcanic and metasedimentary sequence that lies on top of the Minas Supergroup, the most important Paleoproterozoic sequence of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero in Minas Gerais. Although firstly defined as Sabará Formation (Gair 1958) some authors have suggest to rank the Sabará rocks as a Group, due to the expressive thickness of the sedimentary and volcanic pile, especially in the Ouro Preto area (southeast Quadrilátero Ferrífero) and in the Sabará area (northwest Quadrilátero Ferrífero). Our data support a stratigraphic division of the Sabará rocks into two formations: the basal Saramenha Formation and the Estrada Real, herein proposed. The Sabará Group is still considered to be undivided in some areas in which these two units can not be recognized or do not crop out. The Saramenha Formation consists of metadiamictites, metaritmites, metapelites, schists (mostly chlorite-schists), phyllites and lenses of dolomite. The unit is correlated to the typical Sabará Formation rocks in the Ouro Preto area. The Estrada Real Formation is represented by sandstones, metaconglomerates, metadiamictites and thin layers of iron formation. Previous contributions had considered those rocks to be part of the Itacolomi Group, the youngermost Precambrian lithostratigraphic unit of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero. The Itacolomi Group is mostly composed by impure metasandstone and grain supported metaconglomerates which overlie the Sabará rocks in erosional and angular unconformity. Several other isolated quartzite massifs are correlated to the Itacolomi Group, and include the quartzites of Chapada-Lavras Novas region (southeastern Quadrilátero Ferrífero), the quartzites of the Pires range, next to Congonhas, in the Southwest, the Frazão peak in the east and the Ouro Branco range in the south. However, the structural data collected in quartzites in all these areas are similar to the structural data presented by the Sabará Group, according to our collected structural data. The lack of reliable geochronological data, together with the herein proposed structural correlations as well as some observed contact relationships, support the lithostratigraphic correlation of such isolated quartzite massifs to the Estrada Real Formation.Keywords: Lithostratigraphy, Sabará Group, Estrada Real Formation, Dom Bosco syncline, Quadrilátero Ferrífero.Resumo É proposta neste trabalho a revisão litoestratigráfica do Grupo Sabará na região de Ouro Preto, que passa a ser constituído por duas formações: a inferior, Formação Saramenha, anteriormente definida por Barbosa (1968), e a superior, Formação Estrada Real, proposta neste trabalho. Nas demais regiões do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, onde estas duas unidades não são discriminadas, o grupo é considerado indiviso. A Formação Saramenha (Barbosa 1968) é composta por metadiamictitos, metarritmitos, metapelitos, xistos (predominando clorita-xistos), filitos variados e lentes de ...