Recent studies on correlated Poisson processes show that the backward simulation methods are computationally efficient, and incorporate flexible and extremal correlation structures in a multivariate risk system. These methods rely on the fact that the past arrival times of a Poisson process given the number of events over a time interval, [0, T ], are the order statistics of uniform random variables on [0, T ]. In this paper, we discuss an extension of the backward methods to a correlated negative binomial Lévy process which is an appealing model for over-dispersed count data such as operational losses. To obtain the conditional uniformity for the negative binomial Lévy process, we consider a particular setting in which the time interval is partitioned into equally spaced sub-intervals with unit length and the terminal time T is set to be the number of sub-intervals. Under this setting, the resulting joint probability of the increment series, conditional on the number of events over [0, T ], say l, is uniform for any points in the support of a {T, l}-simplex lattice. Based on this result, we establish a backward simulation method similar to that of Poisson process. Both the conditional independence and conditional dependence cases are discussed with illustrations of the corresponding time correlation patterns.