Firing rate is an important means of encoding information in the nervous system. To reliably encode a wide range of signals, neurons need to achieve a broad range of firing frequencies and to move smoothly between low and high firing rates. This can be achieved with specific ionic currents, such as A-type potassium currents, which can linearize the frequency-input current curve. By applying recently developed mathematical tools to a number of biophysical neuron models, we show how currents that are classically thought to permit low firing rates can paradoxically cause a jump to a high minimum firing rate when expressed at higher levels. Consequently, achieving and maintaining a low firing rate is surprisingly difficult and fragile in a biological context. This difficulty can be overcome via interactions between multiple currents, implying a need for ion channel degeneracy in the tuning of neuronal properties.FI curve | bifurcation | Type I excitability | Type II excitability | reduced neuron model F iring rates encode the intensities of many signals in the nervous system, whether these are inputs from sensory organs, internal representations of percepts, or muscle contraction commands in motor nerves. For a neuron to represent continuously varying signals in its firing rate, it must be able to fire at low, high, and all intermediate frequencies. Experimentally, this means the frequency-input current (or FI) curve has a specific shape, called Type I, such that firing frequency smoothly approaches zero at current threshold (1-6). By contrast, so-called Type II neurons have a lower bound in their firing frequency and move abruptly from quiescence to fast spiking, with this transition visible as a sharp jump in the FI curve at threshold (1,3,5).Type I behavior is physiologically unlikely with a minimal set of membrane currents such as the voltage-gated sodium and delayed-rectifier potassium currents in the standard squid giant axon Hodgkin-Huxley model, which is Type II. Classic experimental (1, 7) and theoretical studies (3-5, 8, 9) revealed that a Type II membrane (such as a squid giant axon) can be turned into a Type I membrane by adding an inactivating (A-type) potassium conductance, I A . As the density of I A channels increases from zero, the membrane is able to support progressively lower firing frequencies at spiking threshold. The resulting linearization of the FI curve from Type II to Type I has clear consequences for encoding information in firing rate as well as other computational properties such as thresholding and gain scaling, all of which are subjects of intense research (10-17).We now show that this picture is incomplete. Using rigorous but intuitive methods (18) and building on previous technical results (19-21), we show that introducing I A to a Type II neuron progressively linearizes but then delinearizes the FI curve as I A density increases further. Consequently, I A density must be tuned in a strict range to achieve Type I behavior. However, we show that other, unrelated currents including v...