A descnptwn of the volcan2c rocks of the upper Precambnan ( ~) Catoct2n Formatwn and a d2scusswn of the2r env2ronment and mode of eruptwnThe summit profile of Stony Man (alt. 4,010 ft.) on the crest of the Blue Ridge and the Little Stony Man Cliffs (left) are outcrops of ancient lava flows of the Catoctin Formation described in this report.
. Index map of the area described in this report ---------------------------
AbstractIn the Blue Ridge Provmce of northern VIrgmm, Maryland, and southern Pennsylvama, Lower Cambnan beds are underlam by a thiCk sequence of greenstone and mterbedded sedimentary rocks known as the Catoctm FormatiOn An area near Luray, Va, "as studied to determme the thickness of the formatwn, Its relatiOnship_ to overlymg and underlymg rocks, and the ongmal nature of the lavas from whiCh the Catoctm greenstone was denved There the Catoctm FormatiOn lies unconformably on gramtic rocks Its basal sedimentary layer ranges from a few mches to 150 feet m thickness and contams pebbles of underlymg basement rocks The eroswn surface beneath the Catoctm IS Irregular, and m several places, hills as much as 1,000 feet high were buried beneath the Catoctm lavas No Important time break IS mdiCated between the depositiOn of the Catoctm FormatiOn and the overlymg Cambnan sedimentsThe ongmal Catoctm lavas were basaltic and were probably normal plateau basalts Columnar Jomts, amygdules, sedimentary dikes, flow breccias, low-dippmg pnmary JOmts, and other pnmary structures are well preserved 1