Recently, the so-called sub-6GHz band of the 5G new radio (NR) has been extended to 7.125GHz to address the relentless customer demand for higher data-rate communication. This demands a new design approach for the local area base-station (LA-BS) receivers (RXs) to cover a wide operating frequency range of 0.41 to 7.125GHz. Moreover, for NR bands above 3GHz, the maximum RF bandwidth (BW) is as high as 400MHz, in which a -35dBm modulated in-band (IB) blocker can be present. These impose stringent BW and IB linearity requirements for the baseband amplifiers in the LA-BS receivers. In addition to IB interferences, a -15dBm continuous-wave (CW) outof-band (OOB) close-in blocker can also be present at 60MHz offset frequency from the passband edges, thus demanding a highly selective RX. Finally, the blocker 1dB compression point (B 1dB ) becomes a key parameter for local area co-location applications in which the power of the far-out OOB blocker can be as large as -4dBm.