We define the affine Frobenius Brauer category AB(A, − ⋆ ) associated to each symmetric involutive Frobenius superalgebra A. We then define an action of these categories on the categories of finite-dimensional supermodules for orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras defined over A. The case where A is the base field recovers the known action of the affine Brauer category on categories of supermodules for orthogonal and symplectic Lie algebras. The definition and associated action of AB(A, − ⋆ ) are both novel when A is e.g. the quaternions H, a finite group algebra, a zigzag superalgebra, or a truncated polynomial algebra. Finally, we state a conjecture for bases of hom-spaces in AB(A, − ⋆ ) and outline a potential proof strategy.