The evolutionary rapid emergence of new genes gives rise to "orphan genes" that share no sequence homology to genes in closely related genomes. These genes provide organisms with a reservoir of genetic elements to quickly respond to changing selection pressures. Gene annotation pipelines that combine ab initio machine-learning with sequence homology-based searches are efficient in identifying basal genes with a long evolutionary history. However, their ability to identify orphan genes and other young genes has not been systematically evaluated. Here, we classify the phylostrata of curated Arabidopsis thaliana genes and use these to assess the ability of two of the most prevalent annotation pipelines, MAKER and BRAKER, to predict orphans and other young genes. MAKER predictions are highly dependent on the RNA-Seq evidence, predicting between 11% and 60% of the orphan-genes and 95% to 98% of basal-genes in the annotated genome of Arabidopsis. In contrast, BRAKER consistently predicts 33% of orphan-genes and 98% of basal-genes. A less used method to identify genes is by directly aligning RNA-Seq data to the genome sequence. We present a Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) approach, called BIND, that mitigates the under-prediction of orphan genes. BIND combines BRAKER predictions with direct evidence-based inference of transcripts based on RNA-Seq alignments to the genome. BIND increases the number and accuracy of orphan gene predictions, identifying 68% of Araport11-annotated orphan genes and 99% of the conserved genes.