Abstract-Surveillance systems are useful in the identification of patients that contract infections during their hospitalization period. Despite still being at in fancy, electronic information control surveillance systems for Hospital Acquired Infect ions (HAIs) are imp roving and becoming more co mmonplace as the acceptance levels rise. There are crucial gaps in existing knowledge concerning the best ways for imp lementing electronic surveillance systems especially in the context of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). To bridge this gap, the aim of this paper was to provide a comprehensive review of various electronic surveillance approaches and to highlight the requisite data components and offer guidelines. This rev iew revealed denominator, nu merator, and discrete data requirements and guidelines for the surveillance of four main ICU HAIs, including Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI), Urinary Tract Infect ion (UTI), Surgical Site Infect ions (SSIs) and Ventilator-Associated Conditions/Events (VACs/VAEs).