Elsevier Gabriyelyan, S.; Kakol, JM.; Kubzdela, A.; López Pellicer, M. (2015). On topological properties of Fréchet locally convex spaces. Topology and its Applications. 192
AbstractWe describe the topology of any cosmic space and any ℵ 0 -space in terms of special bases defined by partially ordered sets. Using this description we show that a Baire cosmic group is metrizable. Next, we study those locally convex spaces (lcs) E which under the weak topology σ(E, E ) are ℵ 0 -spaces. For a metrizable and complete lcs E not containing (an isomorphic copy of) 1 and satisfying the Heinrich density condition we prove that (E, σ(E, E )) is an ℵ 0 -space if and only if the strong dual of E is separable. In particular, if a Banach space E does not contain 1 , then (E, σ(E, E )) is an ℵ 0 -space if and only if E is separable. The last part of the paper studies the question: Which spaces (E, σ(E, E )) are ℵ 0 -spaces? We extend, among the others, Michael's results by showing: If E is a metrizable lcs or a (DF )-space whose strong dual E is separable, then (E, σ(E, E )) is an ℵ 0 -space. Supplementing an old result of Corson we show that, for ǎ Cech-complete Lindelöf space X the following are equivalent: (a) X is Polish, (b) C c (X) is cosmic in the weak topology, (c) the weak * -dual of C c (X) is an ℵ 0 -space.