Understanding the mechanisms of host-pathogen interaction can provide crucial information for successfully manipulating their relationships. Because of its genetic background and practical advantages over vertebrate model systems, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans model has become an attractive host for studying microbial pathogenesis. Here we report a "Trojan horse" mechanism of bacterial pathogenesis against nematodes. We show that the bacterium Bacillus nematocida B16 lures nematodes by emitting potent volatile organic compounds that are much more attractive to worms than those from ordinary dietary bacteria. Seventeen B. nematocidaattractant volatile organic compounds are identified, and seven are individually confirmed to lure nematodes. Once the bacteria enter the intestine of nematodes, they secrete two proteases with broad substrate ranges but preferentially target essential intestinal proteins, leading to nematode death. This Trojan horse pattern of bacterium-nematode interaction enriches our understanding of microbial pathogenesis.Bacillus nematocida | Caenorhabditis elegans | chemotaxis | pathogen-host interaction | virulence protease M ost model organisms, such as the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, the mouseear cress plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, can be infected by microbes, including certain human-pathogenic bacteria (1). For several reasons, C. elegans is an attractive model organism to study host-pathogen interactions: It has simple growth requirements, a short generation time, a well-defined developmental process with invariant cell lineage sorting, a fully sequenced genome, and a suite of well-established genetic tools (2). Using C. elegans as a model, scientists in the last few years have identified a diversity of physical, chemical, and biochemical features involved in microbial pathogenesis (3). For example, Brevibacillus laterosporus secretes extracellular proteases that damage nematode cuticle, and Bacillus thuringiensis produces toxic crystal proteins that disrupt host cellular functions (4, 5). The common humanpathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa kills C. elegans with quorum-sensing controlled-virulence factors (6) and cyanide (7). Several other human pathogens such as the Gram-negative bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei and Serratia marcescens and the Gram-positive bacteria Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus also are reported to have nematoxic activities via a neuromuscular endotoxin, a cytolysin, two extracellular proteases (gelatinase and serine protease), and several other toxins (8-12). In S. aureus, several virulence determinants known to be important in mammalian pathogenesis, including the quorum-sensing global virulence regulatory system agr and the global virulence regulator sarA, the alternative sigma factor B, α-hemolysin, and the V8 serine protease, are all required for full pathogenicity against nematode...