Specific chemical functionality (i.e. molecular recognition, energy transfer, chemical conversions, etc.) may be only realized within a definitive length scale of structured matter [1]. Particularly, a certain level of functional complexity is a result of combining smaller subunits that are spatially arranged in a specific manner. Regulation of spatial complexity allows one to realize desired functional goal of a material. This rather broad concept encompasses a wide variety of issues of current technological demand [2]. For instance, sensing optical devices play a central role in optoelectronic intelligent massifs realizing the principal of «chemical imaging» [3]. Further development of these intelligent devices requires an integration of two-dimensional molecular recognition interfaces and transducers transformation of the primarily recognition response into a signal of chemical sensor [4]. Chemical processes at interfaces are governed by three main factors: molecular functionality, distribution of active units, and geometry of the surface [5]. Whereas relative more tremendous knowledge have been accumulated related to the first, and, to a certain extent to the second factor, a little is known regarding a role of surface irregularities for the