Benzene is ah ighly toxic aromatic hydrocarbon. Inhalingb enzene can cause dizziness,v ertigo, headaches, aplasia,m utations and, in the moste xtreme cases, cancer. Trans,trans-muconic acid (t,t-MA) is one of the metabolization products of benzene. Although different analytical methods have been reported for the determination of t,t-MA, these are often expensive, requiret rainedp ersonnel, are not suitable foro n-site measurements, and use hazardous organics olvents. For theser easons, the development of reliable, selective and sensitivem ethodsf or rapid and in situ detection of t,t-MA are of importance. Addressing this challenge, an anodevice for the selectivea nd sensitive quantification of t,t-MA in urine is reported. The nanodevice used is achieved using mesoporous silica nanoparticles loaded with ad ye reporter and capped with ad icopper(II) azacryptand. Pore openinga nd payload release is induced rapidly (10min) and selectively with t,t-MA in urine, using as imple fluorimeter without sample pretreatment.