In this study, we are presenting WWT (Walsh Wavelet Transform) technique to compress an image. In recent times, DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) & WT (Walsh Transform) are developed as a prevalent methods for compressing an image. In this, WT (Wavelet Transform) is one such significant transform of image compression. Outcome of this is altered with the wavelet type changes. In this paper, we used MSE & PSNR parameters to estimate the performance of several wavelets in image compression.
The wavelet filters used in this process are Daubechies (db-x), Discrete meyer (dmey), Coiflets (coif-x), Biorthogonal (bior -x), Symlets (sym-x), Reverse Biorthogonal (rbiox) along with 3 different color images. With this results,it is suggested that good choice of wavelet improves the quality as well as PSNR remarkably. MSE versus PSNR simulation results are tabulated with different wavelet filters. These results yielded 'dmey' wavelet filter produced better results.