Among various consensus algorithms, the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)-based consensus algorithms are broadly used for private blockchain. However, as BFT-based consensus algorithms are structured for all participants to take part in a consensus process, a scalability issue becomes more noticeable. In this approach, we introduce a consensus coordinator to execute a conditionally BFT-based consensus algorithm by classifying transactions. Transactions are divided into equal and unequal transactions. Moreover, unequal transactions are divided again and classified as common and trouble transactions. After that, a consensus algorithm is only executed for trouble transactions, and BFT-based consensus algorithms can achieve scalability. For evaluating our approach, we carried out three experiments in response to three research questions. By applying our approach to PBFT, we obtained 4.75 times better performance than using only PBFT. In the other experiment, we applied our approach to IBFT of Hyperledger Besu, and our result shows a 61.81% performance improvement. In all experiments depending on the change of the number of blockchain nodes, we obtained the better performance than original BFT-based consensus algorithms; thus, we can conclude that our approach improved the scalability of original BFT-based consensus algorithms. We also showed a correlation between performance and trouble transactions associated with transaction issue intervals and the number of blockchain nodes.