The digital economy of health and its global proliferation have led to the use of health information systems in the daily health services delivery to patients. Consequently, there is a development of web-based electronic healthcare aimed at providing electronic health services in real-time. In this way, through the implementation of the concept of electronic health, there is an exchange of health information among all stakeholders of the health organization, all with the aim of monitoring the health status of patients, timely intervention and adequate allocation of medical resources. Processing and sharing a large amount of health data in real time, with the constant need to maintain a high level of interoperability and scalability of network infrastructure, requires the highest possible level of security in accessing data, in order to reduce the misuse of health data. By using blockchain technology, the risk of misusing health information, asymmetry of information and the risk of increasing transaction costs are reduced in a very short time. Blockchain is a robust mathematical algorithm that can provide maximum security of the transaction using cryptographic methods. This type of technology is based on a distributed database that contains encrypted data that can not be changed or disturbed. For this reason, the application of this technology as a data integration tool is increasingly reflected in the electronic business of health organizations - electronic healthcare. Blockchain technology is especially used in information-intensive electronic healthcare records and medical applications, which ultimately results in reduced costs of providing health services, especially when it comes to system maintenance and security costs, interoperability and data redundancy. According to above-mentioned cost-saving role of blockchain technology in processing, sharing and analyzing healthcare data, in this paper, there will be more to say about the positive economic impact of blockchain technology on electronic healthcare, especially in the case of Estonia. This European country is a pioneer in creating, implementing and using the e-Health concept as an integral part of health information system through its healthcare system, in order to increase efficiency of healthcare services.
Keywords: Blockchain technology, data integrity, e-Health, health economics