RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a standard language to represent graph databases.ery languages for RDF databases usually include primitives to support path queries, linking pairs of vertices of the graph that are connected by a path of labels belonging to a given language. Languages such as SPARQL include support for paths dened by regular languages (by means of Regular Expressions).A context-free path query is a path query whose language can be de ned by a context-free grammar. Context-free path queries can be used to implement queries such as the "same generation queries", that are not expressible by Regular Expressions. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for context-free path query processing. We prove the correctness of our approach and show its run-time and memory complexity. We show the viability of our approach by means of a prototype implemented in Go. We run our prototype using the same cases of study as proposed in recent works, comparing our results with another, recently published algorithm. e experiments include both synthetic and real RDF databases. Our algorithm can be seen as a step forward, towards the implementation of more expressive query languages.