Let $G$ be a nonabelian finite group and let $d$ be an irreducible character
degree of $G$. Then there is a positive integer $e$ so that $|G| = d(d+e)$.
Snyder has shown that if $e > 1$, then $|G|$ is bounded by a function of $e$.
This bound has been improved by Isaacs and by Durfee and Jensen. In this paper,
we will show for groups that have a nontrivial, abelian normal subgroup that
$|G| \le e^4 - e^3$. We use this to prove that $|G| < e^4 + e^3$ for all
groups. Given that there are a number of solvable groups that meet the first
bound, it is best possible. Our work makes use of results regarding Camina
pairs, Gagola characters, and Suzuki 2-groups.Comment: We added a proof in the case when p = 2 and G is nonsolvable. We also
have fixed some mistakes, and improved the arguments in a couple of place