Local instantaneous solid-liquid mass transfer coefficients were measured in two-phase gas-liquid downflow through packed columns for 3 X 3 mm and 6 X 6 mm cylinders. An electrochemical technique was used. Liquid flow rates from 3.0 to 26.6 kg/m2.s and gas flow rates from 0.07 to 1.16 kg/m2*s covered the gascontinuous, ripple, and pulse flow regimes. Timeaveraged mass transfer coefficients in trickle flow and in pulse flow for the pulse proper and the base (outside the pulse) were found to increase with increasing gas and liquid rates. Correlations are presented in terms of liquid phase Reynolds numbers and in terms of Kolmogoroff numbers. The mass transfer coefficients in the pulse were found to correspond closely to the coefficients that would be attained in the dispersed bubble flow regime.
V. G. RAO and A. A. H. DRINKENBURG Department of Chemical EnglneerlngRljksunlversltelt Gronlngen 9747 AG Gronlngen, The Netherlands SCOPE Trickle-bed reactors, when operated in the gas-continuous trickle flow regime, are generally restricted to relatively slow reactions since the rate is often controlled by the mass transfer resistance. Operation of the reactor at higher gas and liquid rates produces pulse flow in which high transfer rates can be realized (Hirose et al., 1976). The pulse flow regime is better suited for fast reactions than the trickle flow regime. For design, the resistance to absorption of gaseous components into the liquid and the transfer of the reacting species through the liquid film to the catalyst surface must be known, which necessitates the study of solid-liquid mass transfer. The many reported studies on solid-liquid mass transfer generally have utilized one of two methods: measuring the dissolution rate of some soluble packing or packing coated with a soluble dye, or measuring the electrical current in water under diffusion-limited transport conditions.The electrochemical method has certain advantages over the other. It facilitates direct and instantaneous measurements of solid-liquid mass transfer and is thus very useful to measure mass transfer fluctuations, especially under pulsing flow conditions. Chou et al. (1979) first measured such fluctuations in pulse flow. The pulses were found to play an important role in enhancing mass transfer coefficients, Not much is known about the mass transfer coefficients in the pulses, their dependence on flow rate of the phases, and the packing properties. No study other than Chou's has been reported in this direction. All earlier studies employed the dissolution method, from which only time-averaged values were found.The present study was conducted to understand the fundamental nature of the pulses with respect to mass transfer, the extent of mass transfer fluctuations, and their qualitative and quantitative influence on mass transfer. The instantaneous mass transfer from a single active particle (brass cylinder electrochemically coated with nickel) in the bed was measured. Beds with particles of 3 X 3 mm and 6 X 6 mm cylinders were used. The active particl...