The obstruction for the existence of an energy momentum tensor for the gravitational field is connected with differential-geometric features of the Riemannian manifold. It has not to be valid for alternative geometrical structures. A teleparallel manifold is defined as a parallelizable differentiable 4D-manifold endowed with a class of smooth coframe fields related by global Lorentz, i.e., SO(1, 3) transformations. In this article a general 3-parameter class of teleparallel models is considered. It includes a 1-parameter subclass of models with the Schwarzschild coframe solution (generalized teleparallel equivalent of gravity). A new form of the coframe field equation is derived here from the general teleparallel Lagrangian by introducing the notion of a 3-parameter conjugate field strength F a . The field equation turns out to have a form completely similar to the Maxwell field equation d * F a = T a . By applying the Noether procedure, the source 3-form T a is shown to be connected with the diffeomorphism invariance of the Lagrangian. Thus the source of the coframe field is interpreted as the total conserved energymomentum current of the system. A reduction of the conserved current to the Noether current and the Noether charge for the coframe field is provided. The energy-momentum tensor is defined as a map of the module of current 3-forms into the module of vector fields. Thus an energy-momentum tensor for the coframe field is defined in a diffeomorphism invariant and a translational covariant way. The total energy-momentum current of a system is conserved. Thus a redistribution of the energy-momentum current between material and coframe (gravity) field is possible in principle, unlike as in GR. The energy-momentum tensor is calculated for various teleparallel models: the pure Yang-Mills type model, the anti-Yang-Mills type model and the generalized teleparallel equivalent of GR. The latter case can serve as a very close alternative to the GR description of gravity.