A meander line dipole tag antenna used in the radio frequency identification (RFID) system was designed, which can be used for measuring cables' temperature. In order to make the tag antenna fit the cables, an improved tag antenna was designed. The design adopted classical T-matching network, which had a simple structure and achieved impedance matching easily. Input impedance of the proposed antenna is about 33.8+j204Ω, which is conjugate-matched up with a temperature sensor chip which impedance is 36-j198Ω at 915MHz. The simulation results and measurements show that the designed antennas have a wide impedance bandwidth, covering 865MHz to 940MHz band, with dimension of 68mm×32mm. The tag obtains the advantage of low cost and can be mass-produced due to its printed structure. The simulation results of return loss of antenna is-33dB, which can meet the practical requirements of RFID tag antenna. Keywords-RFID tag antenna; impedance matching; UHF band I. Under the hypothesis of polarization matching between the reader and the tag antenna, the RF power required for the microchip electronics turns on and performs backward