1 H NMR relaxometry is applied for the investigation of pore size distributions in geological substrates. The transfer to humous soil samples requires the knowledge of the interplay between soil organic matter, microorganisms and proton relaxation. The goal of this contribution is to give first insights in microbial effects in the 1 H NMR relaxation time distribution in the course of hydration of humous soil samples. We observed the development of the transverse relaxation time distribution of the water protons after addition of water to air dried soil samples. Selected samples were treated with cellobiose to enhance microbial activity. Besides the relaxation time distribution, the respiratory activity and the total cell counts were determined as function of hydration time. Microbial respiratory activities were 2-15 times higher in the treated samples and total cell counts increased in all samples from 1Â10 9 to 5Â10 9 cells g )1 during hydration. The results of 1 H NMR relaxometry showed tri-, bi-and mono-modal relaxation time distributions and shifts of peak relaxation times towards lower relaxation times of all investigated soil samples during hydration. Furthermore, we found lower relaxation times and merging of peaks in soil samples with higher microbial activity. Dissolution and hydration of cellobiose had no detectable effect on the relaxation time distributions during hydration. We attribute the observed shifts in relaxation time distributions to changes in pore size distribution and changes in spin relaxation mechanisms due to dissolution of organic and inorganic substances (e.g. Fe 3+ , Mn 2+ ), swelling of soil organic matter (SOM), production and release of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and bacterial association within biofilms.Abbreviations: 1 H NMR -Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; q 0 -initial mean surface relaxivity; d pore ¼ 4V 0 S 0 -pore diameter of a cylindrical pore (Hinedi et al., 1997); T 2 -initial mean relaxation time; q i ¼ k T iS -surface relaxivity; d 0 -initial mean pore diameter; k-layer thickness, in which T iS takes place; DAPI--4¢,6-diamidino-2-phenylindol; d BET -mean pore diameter estimated from BET data; DOCDissolved Organic Carbon; EPS -extracellular polymeric substances; PGA -polygalacturonic acid; S 0 -water covered pore surface; S BET -specific surface area estimated from BET data; SOM -soil organic matter; t -hydration time [days], s-time constant of the first order process [days]; T i -relaxation time of the longitudinal (i=1) or transverse (i=2) relaxation of proton magnetization; T iB -bulk relaxation time;T iS -surface relaxation time; V 0 -water filled pore volume; Y -replacement character for the peak relaxation time [ms]; Y ¥ -peak relaxation time for infinite hydration time; Y 0 -initial value for t=0.