Integration of developments in a solar thermal prototype, control systems design, general assembly, verification and start-up procedure" Advancements provided by this Thesis belong to the technological step that goes from a theoretical scientific concept of a new family of solar collectors, to an industrial prototype, including cost competitiveness as an industrial feature. In this technological step, drastic innovations have been enabled, such as the use of flat mirrors bent by bending moments applied at their ends. This innovation has required the solution of a number of detailed technologies, from positioning of the mirrors to aiming of the concentrator. A line of coherent integration of technologies has been put into operation, what allows us to approach optimal solutions in energy capture efficiency and economy. The Thesis starts from the Sundial concept, which is a pre-industrial prototype and an experimental platform for testing a new model of solar thermal plant. The basis of the prototype is the previous work carried out by the Research Group "Modelización de Sistemas Termoenergéticos" [1], GIT of the UPM on a new configuration of concentrated solar thermal plant and a series of patents granted and pending in connection with such investigations.The argument or main thread of this thesis focuses on the coherent integration of technologies that, as presented in the methodology chapter, serves as a guide and criterion for the choice of the different elements that are part of the platform. The construction of the prototype, Sundial, requires the coherent integration of numerous disciplines and technologies, as different as mechanics, thermodynamics, programming, 3D design, electronics, manufacturing, optics, geometry, and control, among many others that are necessary. to get closer to the expected thermal performance. The development of this work includes such diverse topics from the theoretical study, calculations, design, configuration, and execution of tests to validate and verify the complete system built. All the works have been personally executed from the application to the city council for the construction permits, through the calculations, design of parts, manufacture of parts, assembly of structures, selection of components to the development of a low-cost data acquisition system and data recording for analyzed and validation. As a conclusion of the development and main results of the work, it should be noted that the design and construction of the prototype has achieved the maximum degree of satisfaction by validating and verifying the full operation of the platform, the main achievements being:• Cost and weight reduction compared to current solutions, such as parabolic trough Summary xii concentration, thanks to the new design of the base structure, the design of an on-site mirror bending system to convert inexpensive flat mirrors into close to parabolic ones.• Robust and reliable structure that has withstood rain, snow, and hailstorms with strong winds without failures.• Validation of the comple...