This case study enunciates university libraries' potential to address environmental issues through work operations. Every individual's green action counts on protecting the Earth nationally and worldwide. A library with sustainable vision will not only serve society but the planet as well. This confidence is the conviction behind this research. It took a lead in attempting to explicate the status of green work practices (GWP) in university libraries with specific reference to Pakistan. The data were mapped through in-person interviews with 27 librarians, observation, document review and photographs. Furthermore, a cross case analysis was done to validate the findings. Results showed that GWP status was unsatisfactory in the absence of framed guidelines. The majority of librarians were not familiar or had a limited or different understanding of GWP. Overall, there is a dearth of LIS literature in the domain of going green. As a result, current study seeks to stimulate an environmental conversation among library professionals. This research makes a case for university libraries' environmental role and attempts to establish a basic understanding of librarians' environmental perspectives. The generalization of these results may be limited. The depth and representativeness of the research sample is, however, a key strength of this study.