This comment will review and discuss recent results obtained with the use of calorimetry in assessing molecular information from complex phenomena such as association in surfactant/polymer mixtures. These examples were selected to support the view that it is possible to ally the great sensitivity of modern calorimeters with carefully planned experiments and, sometimes, ancillary techniques in order to derive detailed information on molecular interactions.
calorimetry, polymer-surfatant interaction, self-assemblyCalorimetry is one of the earliest quantitative techniques employed in chemical and biological experiments, such as those developed by Lavoisier in the search for the origins of life [1], or in Watt's experiments on the relationship between heat and work. Nowadays, it is mostly used when high sensitivity is required, such as in the investigation of processes occurring in rather dilute solutions, as in the cases of biological interactions involving minute amounts of either biomolecules or drugs [2]. Recent developments in the design of calorimeters provide striking sensitivity, which allied to the general nature of heat exchange, produce a universal and very sensitive sensor to detect or monitor almost all chemical and biological processes. However, this detection is not selective in the sense that calorimeters are not capable of distinguishing the origin of exchanged heat, as opposed, for instance, to spectroscopic techniques which may follow the formation/breakdown of a specific chemical bond, release of a specific molecule fragment or chemical changes. This lack of selectivity leads to the current saying that heat bears no color, a conclusion that would encompass calorimetry as a technique incapable of providing information at the molecular level. We believe this is not true and we will discuss below a few examples that reveal the capacity of calorimetric experiments not only detecting features that may not be observable otherwise, but also providing insights at the molecular level.Calorimetry is now widespread in the investigation of other complex (chemical) systems, such as mixtures containing self-assembling molecules like surfactants and polymers. These studies are typically conducted in the titration mode, in which concentration of one of the components is increased, at constant temperature, named ITC (Isothermal Titration Calorimetry), producing information on the thermodynamics of these binding process--in this case, calorimetry is the only technique that allows the derivation of Gibbs energy, enthalpy and entropy changes from a unique experiment. Alternatively, experiments may be planned in the scanning mode (DSC-Differential Scanning Calorimetry) in which energy changes accompanying temperature driven processes are probed at constant composition.The use of calorimetry for investigation of association processes involving surfactants and/or polymers has been reviewed in recent articles [3][4][5], which in general indicate an increase of the use of these techniques, mostly due to the