SMITH. Can. J. Chem. 53,2406 (1975. The 13C chemical shifts and 13C-31P spin-spin couplings (where applicable) are reported for pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine phosphate, and pyridoxal phosphate. Resonance assignments are made by consideration of substituent chemical shift effects, as tested on an analogous series of pyridine derivatives. Increased shielding of the C4' and C5' methylene groups of the vitamin B6 compounds and the methyl groups of 3,4-dimethylpyridine relative to the predicted values are attributed to steric compression. In aqueous solution pyridoxal exists as the hemiacetal form, although at high p H it is in rapid equilibrium with a significant amount of the aldehyde form. Pyridoxal phosphate exists as the aldehyde at high pH, as the hydrated aldehyde at low pH, and in a slow equilibrium between detectable amounts of both species at p H 4. The 13C-31P couplings through two bonds lie in the range 4.5 f 0.5 Hz found for a variety of other organic phosphates. The couplings through three bonds indicate a preference for a trans arrangement of the phosphorus and ring carbon-5. ROY D. LAPPER, HENRY H. MANTSCH et IAN C. P. SMITH. Can. J. Chem. 53,2406Chem. 53, (1975. On a mesurC les dkplacements chimiques du 13C et les constantes de couplage spin-spin entre13C et 31P (dans les phosphates) pour la pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal, phosphate de pyridoxamine et phosphate de pyridoxal. Les attributions sont faites en considCrant les effets des substituants sur le dkplacement chimique dans une skrie analogue des pyridines substitukes. L'accroissement du blindage des carbones mkthylCniques 4' et 5' des composCs de la vitamine B6 et des groupes mCthyles du dirnkthyl-3,4 pyridine par rapport aux valeurs calculks, est attribuC a une compression stkrique. En solution aqueuse le pyridoxal existe sous la forme hemiacktale bien qu'a p H ClevC I'hCmiacktale soit en Cquilibre rapide avec une quantitC importante d'aldehyde. A p H ClevC, le phosphate de pyridoxal existe sous la forme aldkhyde, a p H faible sous forme aldehyde hydratk, et a p H 4 on a un Cquilibre lent entre des quantitts dicelables des deux espkes. Les constantes de couplage de 13C-31P a travers deux liaisons, se situent aux alentours de 4.5 + 0.5 Hz. Cette valeur correspond aux valeurs trouvCes pour divers phosphates organiques. Les couplages a travers trois liaisons suggtrent une forte prefkrence pour un arrangement trans du phosphore par rapport au carbone-5 du cycle.[Traduit par le journal] Introduction The vitamin B, group of compounds consists of pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, and pyridoxa 1 and their phosphates.5 Of these various forms the most active and effective over a large range of organisms appears to be pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, also known as codecarboxylase or cotransaminase. This compound represents the co-