IntroductionIn general, with frequent recurrence of urinary tract infections (UTIs), long-term antibiotic therapy is stipulated at a low dose. With this type of situation and with easy access to several classes of antibiotics in tertiary health care settings, the use of such drugs results in the development of resistant bacteria in patients. Escherichia coli is a frequent cause of UTI observed. Hence, it was proposed in the present study to assess the antimicrobial resistance status of E. coli in UTI-infected patients.
MethodsThis study was conducted among female patients diagnosed with UTI. About 80 urine samples were collected in an aseptic condition, Under the process of culture identification 44 samples were found to be positive for UTI infection. The positive samples were plated on blood agar. Out of 44 samples, 18 samples were found to be positive, and 26 samples were negative for E. coli infection. The 18 samples were screened on MALDI-TOF for identification. Further, the samples were assessed for susceptibility to antibiotic medication within the study area.
ResultThe study identified different strains of E. coli, and the CHB gene E. coli was found in eight samples. The sample showed pink oval-round spots in the culture medium and was resistant to nitrofurantoin, cephalosporin, and cephalexin antibiotics. Hence, antimicrobial susceptibility tests are necessary for managing and treating bacterial E. coli infections.
ConclusionE. coli is a common bacterium found in the vaginal region of patients, suggesting a potential infection. E. coli can be associated with UTIs in women. The results from this study conclude that E. coli is rapidly becoming multidrug-resistant, as only higher antibiotics can inhibit its growth. To effectively manage infections caused by E. coli proper diagnosis, laboratory testing, and antibiotic treatment are required.