Introduction Kratom, an unregulated herbal supplement, has emerged as self-treatment for anxiety/depression. Kratom exhibits inhibition at multiple cytochrome P450 isozymes involved in metabolism of prescription medications, including serotonergic agents. We report a case of possible serotonin syndrome induced by kratom use in combination with prescription psychotropic medications. Case A 63-year-old male presented with diaphoresis, flushing, aphasia, confusion, dysarthria, right facial droop, and oral temperature of 39.6oC (103.2oF), lactate 2.7 mmol/L, and creatine phosphokinase of 1507 IU/L. Initial differential diagnoses included acute ischemic stroke and bacterial meningitis. Despite partial treatment with alteplase and broad-spectrum antibiotics, symptoms persisted, and subsequent physical exam noted hyperreflexia, clonus, tremors, and temperature of 41.1oC (106oF). Home medications included a chronic regimen for anxiety/depression with bupropion, buspirone, desvenlafaxine, trazodone, and ziprasidone, in addition to kratom. Clinical suspicion for serotonin syndrome led to initiation of cyproheptadine, lorazepam, and cooling blankets. Aphasia, facial droop, and confusion improved after administration of cyproheptadine. Bupropion was restarted during hospitalization; remaining medications restarted at the discretion of the primary care provider. Discussion Risk of serotonin syndrome with multiple serotonergic agents is well-known. Kratom is metabolized by cytochrome P40 isozymes 3A4, 2C9, and 2D6, and exhibits inhibition at those enzymes, in addition to 1A2. Pharmacokinetic interactions of kratom with prescription serotonergic agents metabolized through these isozymes has the potential to increase systemic exposure of serotonin, potentially leading to serotonin syndrome. Conclusion Because substances contained in kratom can inhibit metabolism of prescription serotonergic medications, clinicians must be aware of potential development of serotonin syndrome.