The article is devoted to the work of the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry to improve psychiatric care for patients with psychotic disorders. An important feature of this work was an integrated approach, in which the clinical picture of the disease was assessed in close connection with the patient's personal and psychological characteristics, social conditions of his life, therapeutic opportunities, rehabilitation potential and organizational structure of care.
The article reflects the results of many years of work of the department of outpatient psychiatry and the organization of psychiatric care under the guidance of Professor I.Ya. Gurovich. The results of scientific research carried out by the staff of the institute in a traditional humanistic manner are presented. The translational nature of the research is emphasized by its inextricable link with clinical and social approaches.
As a result of many years of work, a concept was developed to provide assistance to various groups of patients, starting with the first manifestations of the disease and ending with cases of long-term chronic disorders with a pronounced level of social maladaptation. As a result, a whole spectrum of new organizational forms of psychiatric care was proposed, such as departments (clinics) of the first psychotic episode, medical rehabilitation departments, assertive community treatment departments, designed for the most difficult patients. These organizational forms were fixed in the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. To date, the above departments have been established in psychiatric institutions in many regions of the Russian Federation. Further development of this area is associated with neurobiological research to identify complex biomarkers of psychotic spectrum disorders.
Thus, the research carried out at the present time preserves the tradition of an integrated clinical and social approach to the study of mental disorders. It is shown that an important advantage of this approach is their translational nature.