Power struggle, submission and partnership: Agency constructions of mothers of children with ADHD diagnosis in their narrated school involvement Honkasilta, Juho; Vehkakoski, Tanja; Vehmas, Simo Honkasilta, J., Vehkakoski, T., & Vehmas, S. (2015). Power struggle, submission and partnership: Agency constructions of mothers of children with ADHD diagnosis in their narrated school involvement. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 59 (6), 674-690. doi:10.1080Research, 59 (6), 674-690. doi:10. /00313831.2014
AbstractThe contemporary education paradigm highlights the interdependency of home and school expertise, yet the school institution possesses and exercises power over parental involvement. This discourse analysis study examines the narrated agentive possibilities of 18 Finnish mothers of children diagnosed with ADHD to influence and be involved in their child's schooling. The results show that the mothers exhibited a strong, yet forced, will to participate, mainly due to lack of confidence in teachers' knowledge of ADHD and ability to treat their children as other than 'disorderly'. Additionally, our analysis reveals a gap between the mothers' narrated potential agency as a 'good mother' fighting for her child's well-being and their actual capability to be involved as intended due to unequal institutional power relations between home and school. This study sheds light on the shared educational responsibilities of the home and school, and the role the ADHD label plays in educational social practices.